Monday, July 31, 2006

Borne of Time and Place

"I've never seen a dead guy."
"Oh, sing yourself another lullabye, baby Dean! We see them all the time! Just last week Brock killed two dervishes with a pillowcase full of Cokes, right in our bedroom!"
"They were only knocked out...right?"
"The police took them away in body bags."
"Those were sleeping bags!"
-Venture Brothers

I am starting to get kind of wiggy from lack of sleep. I work such long hours now that it is eating into my sleep and workout and even meal times. And I can't sleep very well, either, from the stress. Even if I get eight hours, I wake up exhausted. It takes me much longer, lately, to regenerate from being outside the wire for a few hours, wearing all that armor. I'm just so damn tired.
My best friend, Nick, and I were road tripping down to Florida a few years ago, to get to his wedding, and we drove the whole way straight from New Jersey. I got so tired around Miami that I hallucinated an entire conversation between Nick and me about who was the worst Batman out of all the people who've played him. I actually responded to a question he never asked. I think I said, "But we can agree on one thing--Michael Keaton was definitely the best. Right?" And Nick looked at me with an expression that I could only describe as "I'm so confused by what you just said that it terrifies me a little." That is how tired I feel in the evenings sometimes. Like, wondering if I'm just dreaming this whole thing.
It is starting to eat into hygiene time as well. I am showering less frequently. I am kind of ashamed by this, but when I'm tired it's much harder for me to convince myself that it's worth it. It is exactly 121 meters to the shower--I've walked it so many times I could do it in my sleep--and that is enough to soak me with sweat by the time I'm back in my room. I pick up dust and sand from the sweat, and most of the time end up feeling just as filthy as when I started for the shower. I use a lot of baby wipes on various parts of my body. It helps.
Aside from the exhaustion, I am doing pretty well. Reading a couple good books, when I can stay awake, and learning my new job as quickly as I can. I don't feel like a colossal failure every day now. I'm only dropping the ball on things I didn't know about in the first place, at this point. So I'm learning fast. Too bad most of the learning is done "the hard way." But I guess there is really no other way in a combat zone.
I have a little over a month left on my tour. I can't believe it is almost here; and at the same time, it seems so far away. Once I get below thirty days it will start to seem real.


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