Wednesday, February 15, 2006


They had paid a thousand men,
Yet they formed and came again,
For they heard the silver bugles sounding challenge to their pride,
And they rode with swords agleam
For the glory of a dream,
And they stormed up to the cannon's mouth and withered there, and died. . . .


Pretty soon: halfway. Pretty soon.

I am reading From Here to Eternity. It is apparently one of the best books ever written about the Army. I really don't see it. It is a good book, but it is not a very accurate portrayal of a soldier's life. Maybe that's how it was in 1940. Not now. Two things in particular strike me as inaccurate about the book. Firstly, officers are not all as evil as the book makes them. Some are idiots, and some are liars, or micromanagers, or incompetent, but officers are not in general despicable. Secondly, I have never even heard of soldiers going to prostitutes. That is stuff that movie soldiers do, so that the writers can again subtly insinuate how soldiers are nothing but degenerates with guns. It may have been the case before WW2, when soldiers were not nearly so respected; but now, if you're a soldier, it's pretty easy to get a girl.

After this book I will start on Jarhead. I am not that optimistic about it since the movie was so bad, but I am determined to find out if the book is just as bad. And it seems like a quick read. It was written by a Marine, after all. It can't be above a fourth-grade level.

We have a memorial tomorrow morning. It is raining snakes and pitchforks, so we will probably have to have it inside the maintenance bays in the motor pool. I am hoping that it goes off well.

I can't stop thinking about EOD. I am getting so upset lately at the inefficiency and politicking around here. And the babysitting. Nobody in EOD is less than an E5. It will be so much easier to get things accomplished. It's probably over two years away, but I can't stop thinking about it. I probably just need to relax. Having problems sleeping again. I had a dream that I was a serial killer, of all things. Your mind does crazy things when you're keeping a very odd schedule due to mission tempo, and have to force yourself to get a couple hours of sleep at odd hours. It probably didn't help, though, as far as that dream is concerned, that I just got through reading two books about serial killers. I need some nice, light stuff to read. I need some Flashman or Douglas Adams.


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