Wednesday, September 14, 2005


"I love you. I love you. I love you. I'm praying for you. Stay safe and shoot to kill."
-letter from my wife

I finally got to make contact with the world yesterday. Checked the email and the news. I IMd Jennifer and then saw the phone center and called her. Apparently my dog chewed a hole in the carpet. I'm gone less than 48 hours and he starts tearing up the place.

Imagine your wife or girlfriend is blow-drying her hair and you make a joke at her expense, or walk by and goose her, and to retalitate she turns around and waves the blow-dryer in your face for a few seconds. A blast of superheated air shoots into your mouth, nose, and eyes.

That's what it's like here in the daytime. It's better at night, but you still sweat. I'm amazed that people live here. I'm amazed that thousands of people call this home. There's no vegetation, no clouds, no shade. Just sand, wind, and the sun, which seems to be about two feet above your head.

Thanks to everyone who sent me email. I am doing fine and when I get to a place where I don't have to pay for internet access by the minute I'll have time to leisurely peruse all of your missives. All of you back home are in my thoughts and prayers.