Thursday, March 16, 2006


Herod howls: "Sly slaughter
Rules now! Let us, by modes once called accurst,
Overhead, under water,
Stab first."

I cannot understand the logic of many decisions made by our internet web-filtering software. It will not let me download Shockwave, so that I can begin my Arabic lessons over the internet. I am going to have to lug my computer down to the internet café and download the software there. The filter also prohibits me from accessing blogs, so I have to send all these entries to my long-suffering wife, who posts them for me. Thank you, baby. The software, anyway, is called Websense. I have visited their website several times to try to contact them and reason with them, but I have trouble finding contact info. Oh well.

In addition to studying Arabic, I have decided to keep a journal. In talking to several veterans on the internet, several of them happened to mention that they wished they had kept journals. Even when not much happens, they say, you should write down a little summary of what you did that day. I think this is probably a good idea. I will begin tonight.

I read a story that said the Pentagon is asking Congress for funding to research space-based weapons. I am sublimely pleased with this development. I just wish they had asked for and were granted a much larger amount. Space will become, very soon and for the foreseeable future, what the sea was during the colonial era, and what the air is now. We need to control it as completely as possible, as soon as possible. The nation or group that controls space will control the world, and all worlds we inhabit in the future. Extraorbital space will not be so vital for awhile; but low and high orbit will be incredibly important. A mass driver or series of lasers placed on satellites, or on the moon, will be the ultimate hole card in international diplomacy. Imagine no more need for cruel, destructive ground war. I am going to write my congresspersons to let them know the depth and width of my fervent support for this idea.

I am growing a mustache. This is not so much a conscious decision to change my personal appearance as a) something to prevent boredom and b) a secret plot to annoy our sergeant major. Also, I am curious to see what I’d look like. My dad used to have one. I also shave my head, and I have never seen anybody with a shaved head and a mustache. I wonder how ridiculous it will look. Only one way to find out. And it’s not like I have anybody to look good for, here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you send a pic of that interesting mustache with your shaved head? Charlotte

10:58 AM  

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