Friday, October 07, 2005


And miles to go before I sleep.
And miles to go before I sleep.

Many people fail to realize that Frost is talking about Death in this poem. I am not one to force my view of poetry on others, but this is one case where the meaning is so obvious that these people kind of irritate me. Like people who think The Emperor of Ice Cream is about a pimp's funeral. Where the hell do they get this nonsense?

Heating up here. Haji is getting very anxious to bloody our noses because of a) Ramadan and b) the upcoming elections. He thinks he's got a bunch of virgins waiting for him in paradise, and I say, sure, why not? Let me help you get there, buddy, on the 5.56 Express.

Pray for us. The next week will be very trying for us.

Today was about the worst day I've had here professionally. I feel like I talk and command doesn't listen, sometimes. I admire all of the people I work with greatly, but every once in awhile I think they just hear what they want to hear, and ignore news that would be inconvenient for them. I guess we all deal with this in our jobs, but it doesn't help when your very expensive MP3 player (your main source of stress relief) stops working for no discernible reason. I went to walk around my work area and check on my joes, and came back, and it wouldn't turn back on. Can't get it to work. It was just enough to take me from pissed-off and annoyed to enraged and morose.

Screw it. All you can do is suck it up. I'm one day closer to home. I'll see you tomorrow, Iraq.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you have to do is your best. You don't have to be THE best.

Also, don't take everything so personally. Do you remember the story about how "I prayed but God didn't answer my prayer?" Well, there may be other people praying for the same thing. Other people see things differently.

I love you, old man.

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot to tell. I am one of the people who think Frost is NOT talking about death. I think he meant that there are a lot of things that get in the way of things we WANT to do.

I remember in Germany the people work to live, they do not live to work.


3:02 PM  

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